tenacity psychological health centre

Referral Form

Thank you for considering Tenacity for your mental health needs. This referral form is designed to provide us with essential information about relevant contextual factors that impact psychological testing/ therapeutic services. As mental health professionals, we understand that seeking psychological support can be a difficult and vulnerable process. We assure you that all information provided on this form will be treated with the utmost confidentiality and used only for the purpose of providing appropriate care.

Our team of experienced and compassionate mental health professionals is committed to providing the highest quality of care to your client, and we appreciate the opportunity to work with you in achieving their mental health goals.
tenacity psychological health centre
Relationship with potential client:
Do you have consent to share identifying client information?
Referral for:

If for Psychological Testing

Please check one:
Evaluation of:

Presenting Concern

Please check all that apply and describe in your own words questions that you need to have answered (please be as specific as possible):

Please contact Dr. Lyndsey Silva at (587) 585-0341 or use our contact form